Skylar Thompson age, height, weight, draft, college, contract, salary, net worth, fantasy names, jer

Skylar John Thompson is an American who plays football quarterback. He is currently a player for Miami Dolphins of the National Football League. He began playing football in college, at Kansas State. Table of Content

Skylar John Thompson is an American who plays football quarterback. He is currently a player for Miami Dolphins of the National Football League. He began playing football in college, at Kansas State.

Table of Content

Wikipedia & Biography

Skylar Thompson is an American who started his football career as a four-year letterer and starting quarterback and kicker at Fort Osage High School in Missouri.

Age and birthday

He is twenty-five years old, born on June 4, 1997, in Palmyra, Missouri, United States.

Height and weight

Thompson stands tall at 1.88m and weighs more than 80kg.

High school & college

The sportsman went to Kansas State University. Not much is known about where he went to high school.

Draft & contract

He has a two-year contract with the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League.


He earns over ten thousand dollars per week.

Net worth

Thompson has an estimated net worth of USD 50 million.

Instagram & Twitter

Find him on Instagram as @skylerthompson with thousands of followers. He also has a personal Twitter account.

